Category Archives: Festivals

State Fair of Texas

For 24 days in the Fall, Texans flock to the State Fair.  We stuff ourselves with creative fried foods, play carnival games, and take photos of Big Tex while he greets us with a “Howdy Folks!”

I thought I’d better post this before our visit became too out of date.  The fair closed for the season almost a month ago! Peter, having lived in Texas for about 18 months, had never been to the State Fair before so I was quite excited to show him around.  We went on a Thursday and took two empty 20 oz bottles of Coke for discounted admission.

Lone Star Boulevard
Lone Star Boulevard

Continue reading State Fair of Texas

Plano Balloon Fest

Every year, there is a weekend in September that is filled with hot air and lots of color.  The Plano Balloon Fest has become a very large event for the City of Plano. (For those not from DFW, it’s pronounced “Play-no”).  Despite having lived mere miles from the event, I had never been before.  I made up for that by going two evenings in a row.

Peter and I went on the Friday afternoon, hoping to watch the evening balloon launch.  We arrived just after 4pm and parked at the nearby Methodist church. (Note: this will cost you ~$15).  The Balloon Fest takes place Oak Point Park and Nature Preserve.  The city blocks off Spring Creek Parkway between Jupiter Rd and Parker Rd for the event, so there is a large area for food vendors and others to set up booths.

Looking out  across the balloon launch area.  To the right is the mass of food vendors and games for kids.
Looking out across the balloon launch area. To the left is the mass of food vendors and games for kids.

This will be a photo-heavy post, FYI.  Click on the photos to see larger versions.

Continue reading Plano Balloon Fest